5 Genius Tips To Work Smarter Not Harder As A Blogger

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As a new or experienced blogger, you need to work smarter not harder.

And as far a smart working goes, you tend to save time and be more productive.

So here are 5 genius tips to work smarter, not harder as a new blogger.

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5 Genius Tips To Work Smarter Not Harder As A Blogger

Tips To Work Smarter Not Harder

1. Write down your ideas

The first tip to work smarter and not harder is to write down your ideas as they come to mind.

Keep a notebook/pad to jot down those fantastic or even silly ideas.

If writing is not your style or you don’t have a notepad on hand, save that idea to your phone.

I use Google assistant to save my ideas before I forget.

So whichever way you can keep your self from losing that idea, use it.

You know once you forget, it is going to take a while before you remember it again.

Take note of that. lol.


2. Use a proofreading tool to work smarter not harder

After you have written your blog post, it is only normal to have spelling, punctuation, grammatical errors, etc.

So what do you do?

Two options:

  • Work hard: spend more time reading through and correcting the mistakes your eyes can find and still miss some or
  • Work smart: let Grammarly find and correct these errors for you.

Grammarly is a free proofreading app that will do the heavy lifting for your write-up.

All you need to do is download it, sign up and install the Chrome extension on your laptop.

Once you have the Chrome extension, Grammarly will be your personal grammar assistant, proofreading and correcting your write-up.

Here are some of the many benefits of using Grammarly:

  • Grammarly spell-checks your blog posts,
  • suggests better synonyms to make your writing better,
  • it also detects the tone of your sentences (happy, confused, etc.),
  • And so much more.

Isn’t that wonderful?

Sign up and start writing and publishing great posts free of grammatical errors.

Then take it a step further by applying to join the Grammarly Affiliate program and start making money.

If and when you are accepted into the program, you will be paid a $25 activation bonus after writing a helpful post about Grammarly.

And you can also make money from referrals.

So in essence, Grammarly helps you write better content and rewards you for inviting your friends to benefit from it too.

That’s a win-win!

3. Use unique free stock photos

Now that you are done writing and editing your blog post, it is time to create your Pinterest graphics.

This brings me to the third tip on my list of working smarter, not harder.

Use unique free stock photos to create your Pinterest pins.

Yes, you can find lovely free stock photos on pixabay.com, unsplah.com and lots more.

But the thing is those are the same places everyone else checks for free stock photos.


That’s why sometimes you see Pinterest pins that look like yours.

How can Pinterest differentiate your pins from others if you guys have the same pictures?

I have seen several pins similar to mine, and trust me it is messed up.

However, there are some sites where you can get unique free stock photos that make your pins stand out and get traction.

I am talking about sweet never been seen before photos.

See 18 Places for FREE Girly and Styled Stock Photos to help your blog posts and Pinterest pins pop.

5 Genius Tips To Work Smarter Not Harder As A Blogger

4. Schedule your pins on Tailwind

In as much as manual pinning is cool for Pinterest engagement, and traffic increase, you will be working harder not smarter.

So the fourth tip is to schedule your pins on Tailwind.

Tailwind is an app that helps you schedule and publishes your Pinterest pins while you concentrate on other things.

I am talking pinning for months even.

And it shows you open time slots and days to schedule your pins to get the most engagement on Pinterest.

So you can take a few hours or a day to schedule your pins that will keep publishing for months to come.

Sign up now for 100 free pins to get the feel of Tailwind, and get the paid version whenever you are ready.

Plus you can get a free month of Tailwind when you refer someone and they upgrade to Tailwind Plus.

However, you only get the free month if you are also using Tailwind Plus.

That’s a smart way to earn free months of Tailwind and grow your blog traffic.

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5. Schedule your pins on Pinterest

Lastly, schedule your pins on Pinterest.

Yeah, I know this contradicts what I said above.

But when you have used up the free 100 Tailwind pins, you can start scheduling your pins on Pinterest.

This is a smart move if you cannot afford or are not ready for Tailwind Plus.

But there is a downside…

Scheduling on Pinterest is a lot different from Tailwind because you get to choose the days and time yourself.

And you can only schedule your pins within a 14-day window, unlike Tailwind that can schedule for months.

However, that’s not too bad since it is free and helps you engage more on Pinterest.

Since I used up my free Tailwind, I have been scheduling pins for both old and new blog posts on Pinterest.

And it actually works.

But this does not mean I would not jump on Tailwind given the opportunity.

I am just showing you a smarter way of using Pinterest instead of single manual pinning.

You may also like How To Schedule Your Posts On Facebook Plus Tips To Get The Most From It.

Let’s Work Smarter, Not Harder

So 5 genius tips to work smarter not harder as a blogger;

  • jot down your ideas before you forget,
  • use Grammarly to proofread your posts before you hit publish,
  • use unique free stock photos for your Pinterest graphics,
  • let Tailwind help you schedule your Pinterest pins,
  • schedule your pins on Pinterest if and when your Tailwind has been exhausted.

I hope this helps you be more productive and make money from your blog.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

I will be more than happy to answer them.

Thanks for reading!

Remember to pin me.

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