Burlington Clothes Haul – Pros & Cons of Shopping at Burlington

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Burlington Clothes Haul - Pros & Cons of Shopping at Burlington

Do you love budget fashion but don’t like secondhand?

Then you’ll love shopping at Burlington.

Burlington is a discount store where you’ll find brand-new fashion items.

From clothes to bags to sunglasses and even caramel popcorn, Yum!

In this post, I’ll show you what I bought from Burlington and the pros and cons of shopping there.

Let’s dive in and check out my Burlington clothes haul.

What I bought from Burlignton: fashion haul

I’ve bought lots of clothes from Burlington.

But the most recent ones were workout clothes.

I got a set of two biker shorts for under $20.

A sports bra under $10

And some workout Tees, also under $10.

I also did some back-to-school shopping for the kids at Burlington.

Overall, I’ve been happy about my Burlington shopping.

But just like any other store, Burlington has its pros and cons.

Let’s discuss them.

Pros of shopping at Burlington

Everything is brand new

As I said in the beginning, at Burlington, you’d only find brand-new clothes with tags and all.

So, you can relax and know that these clothes are from other stores.

Not from anyone’s home or closet.

It doesn’t mean they’ve not been tried and returned in those stores of even Burlington.

But my point is that they were not donated from someone’s closet.

You know?

The way it works with thrift stores?

That’s what I’m talking about.

Affordable prices

Another good thing about Burlington is that the clothes are affordable.

The prices are slashed.

And you’d see the regular retail and Burlington prices on the clothing label.

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You can try on the clothes

A lady in a dress standing in front of a mirror

Because Burlington doesn’t have online shopping, you must walk into the store to buy clothes.

And you can try them, drop what you don’t like, pay, and go home.

Unlike when you shop online, you’re unsure if the clothes will fit.

But recently, Burlington dressing rooms have been non-functioning.

I’m sure they have their reasons.

You can return items.

Another thing about shopping at Burlington is that you can return items for a full refund.

And if you join the Burlington loyalty program, you can return items even if you’ve cut off the tags.

But if you’re not in the loyalty program, then you must return items with tags still attached and your receipt.

Just join the loyalty program to save yourself the stress of being unable to return something because you lost the receipt.

I did, recently.

And I could return things I bought for my kids and myself for a full refund.

Cons of shopping at Burlington

Now, let’s discuss the downsides of shopping at Burlington.

Shopping at Burington isn’t for the faint of heart, lol

A lady in a clothes shop

First, you must know that shopping in Burlington can be stressful.

That’s because the clothes are all packed together.

Though the staff does a great job of organizing the clothes according to sizes and categories.

But not by style.

Burlington isn’t as organized as retail stores.

Yes, you’ll find a rack with your size.

But you won’t find a particular top or dress organized by color or size.

Also, you’ll see different racks that say tops, dresses, workout clothes, etc.

But again, workout clothes would be a mix of everything.

I can go on and on.

But you get my drift.

And it’s not like you see a top or dress in several sizes or colors.

Sometimes, you might be lucky.

I have been lucky a couple of times.

But it’s rare.

So you might be heartbroken when you see something you like that’s unavailable in your size.

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Some clothes might be ruined

Another con of shopping at Burlington is that the clothes might be torn.

I bought a hoodie for my girl.

It wasn’t until she put it on that I noticed the front pocket pouch was torn.

I’m not saying it’s Burlington’s fault.

It might be a factory error.

Or a buyer bought it, ruined it, and returned it.

So make sure to inspect what you buy before paying.

Shoppers tend to disorganize the racks.

One thing that makes shopping at Burlington hard is that shoppers disorganize the clothes racks.

Someone might pick a top and then change their mind and drop it in the dress rack or in a different size rack.

Sometimes they even drop adult clothes in the kids’ aisle.

Which makes buying clothes at Burlington even harder.

You might be looking for that particular item, but it’s hiding in a different aisle or size rack.

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You’d see brands you haven’t heard of before

Yes, there are many brands we haven’t heard of.

So, I’m not sure this is a downside of shopping at Burlington.

But I thought it’s worth mentioning that you’d come across clothing brands you haven’t heard of.

I bought several, and the clothes were of good quality.

And some are just not it.

Tips for shopping in Burlington

Now that you know the pros and cons of shopping at Burlington, let’s discuss tips for shopping there.

Know when to go.

Some shoppers claim weekend shopping at Burlignton is busier than weekdays.

However, I noticed that Burlington is quieter in the mornings than in the afternoon or evenings.

So if you prefer to shop when it’s less busy and quiet, then your best bet should be mornings.

But still, I think it depends on the Burlington store.

So check the one close to you and use that to decide the best time to shop.

Wear comfortable clothes

Another tip for shopping at Burlington is to wear comfortable clothes.

I prefer jeans or shorts with a basic T-shirt or tank top and a wristlet or crossbody bag.

Carrying a big bag when shopping at Burlington is just an unnecessary load you don’t need.

Whatever you choose to wear, pick something that’s easy to take off if you need to try clothes on.

And if you’re not driving, then you can carry a big tote to stuff your shopping.

Cancel other plans

Shopping at Burlington isn’t a run-in, pick-what-you-need, and dash-out kind of shopping.

Unless you’re my husband, lol.

So don’t expect that you’ll find the clothes you’re looking for immediately.

It takes time.

So, cancel other plans or move them forward.

And take your time to search the clothes rack and find what you like.

So here are pictures of some things I bought from Burlington

This post wouldn’t be complete without me showing you what I bought from the Burlington store.

So here they are.

Gym clothes

Burlington Clothes Haul - Pros & Cons of Shopping at Burlington

A sun dress

I bought this sundress and a T-shirt dress.

Both fit perfectly.

Casual top

You can wear this simple top with jeans or under a work jacket.

It can easily go from formal to casual, depending on the pants and shoes I pair it with.

Two pairs of sandals

Because my first shopping trip to Burlington was in early summer this year, I had to get a couple of sandals.

I love them both.

2 pairs of Sandals from Burlington

Frequently asked questions about shopping at Burlington

Now, let’s answer some of your frequently asked questions about Burlington.

Can you shop at Burlington online?

As far as I know, Burlington doesn’t have online shopping.

It’s just like Ross.

You walk in, scour the aisle, find what you like, try them on, pay, and go home.

What are the best days to shop at Burlington?

After visiting Burlington on weekdays and weekends, I think the best days to shop are during the week.

Because the weekends are usually busy.

Funny enough, that’s when I go with the kids.

And I normally see other families with kids shopping, too.

So you want quiet?

Go to Burlington on weekdays.

What’s the best time to shop at Burlington Coat Factory?

The best time to shop at Burling is in the morning before 10 a.m.

I sometimes get there before 9 a.m. (that’s when they open).

And I’ll be among the first shoppers of the day.

Also, you can hang out outside the store before 9 a.m. when they open.

So you’ll be among the first buyers to go in when the racks are still organized.

And your cart isn’t bumping into other shoppers.



Overall, I love shopping at Burlington.

And I’ve been there several times with my kids.

I love that we can walk in the aisle, and they can pick what they like.

And we can return things that don’t fit.

So, if you like budget shopping but can’t stand secondhand, try Burlington.

You just might fall in love.

And that’s all from me about shopping at Burlington.

If you find this post helpful, please share it.

Thanks for reading.

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