
Is It Bad To Wash Your Face In The Shower?

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Is It Bad To Wash Your Face In The Shower

Instead of telling you why it’s bad to wash your face in the shower, I’ll show you how.

All my life, I’ve washed my face in the shower.

So I was shocked to hear people say you shouldn’t wash your face in the shower.

Some sound like it’s set in stone that you MUST not wash your face in the shower because of XYZ.

But this blog post will show you how and when to wash your face in the shower or sink.

Let’s dive in.

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Should You Wash Your Face in The Shower?

Honestly, I’d feel like a plastic bag is covering my face when I don’t wash my face in the shower.

I cannot fathom washing my whole body in the shower except my face.

My whole day will not be the same.

That’s why I always wash my face in the shower.

How to wash your face in the shower

Woman washing her face in the shower

After washing your hair and body, rinse them off.

You can put your hair in a towel or wear a shower cap to keep it intact.

Then pour the right amount of face wash or cleanser into your palms and wash your face.

Or you can put face cleanser on your face, and let it sit for some time while you wash your body.

After rinsing your body, rinse your face last.

Make sure to wash behind your ears too, as it’s part of your face.

And if you feel your hair will get wet, use a hand shower and spray water on your face carefully.

So how about when I want to exfoliate my face with a scrub?

You can exfoliate your face in the shower too.

But should you exfoliate before or after a shower?

If I’m scrubbing my face and body with an exfoliant, I do so after washing it.

But if I’m exfoliating just my face, I’ll wash it first with a cleanser.

Rinse and pat with a clean washcloth, but leave it damp.

Then I’ll exfoliate my face with a good scrub and let it sit while I wash my body.

After rinsing my body, I’ll rinse my face last.

Make sure to rinse your face with lukewarm water.

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How about when you want to use a face mask?

Woman with a facial mask holding a cucumber slice

Now this is a whole different ball game.

I’d tell you for a fact that I’ve used face masks in the shower several times.

Call me weird. Duh!

But I don’t think it sat long enough.

Also, most of my face masks are the type you let dry up before rinsing off.

And the moisture in the shower will prevent or slow down the drying process.

I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

But I now prefer either of the two methods below.

So do you use a face mask before or after a shower?

It depends.

Whether you should use a face mask before or after a shower depends on you and your plans for that day.

I believe both methods give the face mask enough time to penetrate your skin and help it get the benefits.

So here’s my face mask before the shower routine:

Mind you, I only do this when I’m not washing my hair that day.

If I’m washing my hair, I’ll use a face mask last.


  • So first, I wash my face.
  • Then exfoliate and use a face mask.
  • I’d leave the face mask on for as long as I want while I do other things.
  • And when I’m ready to rinse it off, I do so in the shower.
  • After rinsing my face, I’ll shower and step out.

And here’s my face mask after the shower routine:

  • First, I’ll wash my hair if I have to.
  • Then take a shower.
  • And wash and exfoliate my face last before stepping out of the shower.
  • Or I’ll exfoliate my face outside the shower.
  • Next, I’ll use a face mask and wait for it to do its magic.
  • When it’s time, I’ll rinse off the face mask in the sink.
  • And use other face-care products like vitamin C, sunscreen, and moisturizer.

So you see that you can still wash your face in the shower even if you want to use a face mask.

Just do what works best for you.

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How about when you don’t want to shower?

Woman splashing water on her face from the tap

Most of us wash our faces morning and night.

And if you’re not taking a night shower, then you can wash your face in the sink.

So get all your products and wash your face.

If I shower at night, I’ll wash my face in the shower.

But if I don’t, I’ll wash my face in the sink.

Some nights I do an at-home facial using both drugstore and homemade skincare products.

This is my basic at-home facial routine:

  • I’ll wash my face with a gentle face wash or a cleanser.
  • I now use this gentle face cleanser by Elf (affiliate link).
  • Then I’ll follow with a homemade coffee and honey scrub.
  • Leave that on for several minutes before rinsing off.
  • Next, I’d apply plain Greek yogurt to my face, avoiding the eye area.
  • Then, I’d let it sit for five to ten minutes until it’s dry and I can’t move my face. Lol.
  • And I’ll rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • And use my serums and moisturizers to lock in moisture.

So you see that there are times when your only choice is to wash your face in the sink.

But avoid splashing water from the handwashing basin on your face.

Instead, cup your palms to collect water from the tap and splash it on your face. As shown in the picture above.

That’s more hygienic.

So how do you wash your face when you’re washing your hair in the shower?

If you’re going to wash your hair in the shower, then wash it first.

Then wash your face last.

Here’s my hair-washing routine in the shower:

  • First, I’ll shampoo and condition my hair.
  • While the conditioner is doing its thing, I’ll brush my teeth and just do stuff to stay busy until it’s time to rinse my hair.
  • After rinsing out the conditioner, put your hair in a towel or shower cap.
  • Next, take a shower.
  • Showering after washing your hair helps to clean any hair products on your back.
  • And it helps you prevent back acne.
  • So make sure to use good exfoliating gloves (affiliate link) or a washcloth, and wash your body after your hair.
  • After rinsing your body, wash your face last.

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Why should you wash your face last in the shower?

Washing your face last in the shower helps clean the products on your face while washing your hair.

So you can prevent clogged skin and breakouts.

Also, some hair products can dry up your gentle facial skin.

That’s why you must wash your face after washing your hair.

And you can do that in the shower.

Should you wash your face with hot or cold water?

No, you shouldn’t wash your face with hot water.

It can burn, cause redness, and dry out your skin.

Which you don’t want.

As for cold water, I read that it shocks the skin and also causes redness.

But I sometimes splash cold water on my face in the mornings when I’m not ready to wash it.

It kind of wakes up my face.

And I follow with cupping and patting my face.

Before applying a light face moisturizer.

I like cold water on my face.

But I guess I’ll have to slow it down since I read that it shocks the skin.

So how about using ice cubes on the face?

Doesn’t it have some skincare benefits?


So what temperature of water is best to use to wash your face?

Lukewarm water is best for washing your face, whether in the shower or sink.

Is it bad to wash your face in the shower?

It’s not bad to wash your face in the shower.

People just caution against it because some of us shower with hot water and might wash our faces with it too.

So just make sure to use lukewarm water when washing your face in the shower.

To prevent drying out your skin.

In conclusion, is it okay to wash your face in the shower?

It’s perfectly okay to wash your face in the shower.

So long as you’re not using hot water.

I hope this helps answer that mind-boggling question about washing your face in the shower.

If you find this post helpful, please share it.

And if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments.

Also, if you have tips for washing your face in the shower or sink, please share them in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

I’ll see you in the next post.

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