How To Use Lemons In The Home

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Do you want to know how to use lemons in the home asides from making delicious lemonade?

How about squeezed lemons?

Have you wondered if there are other things you could do with them?

Honestly, I feel bad when I have to toss juiced lemons in the bin because I believe I can still use them for other things.

So I decided to improvise and came up with some tricks to use squeezed lemons in the home.

And I’ll be sharing them with you.

This post will show you how to use lemons in your home and also for personal use.

Let’s begin.

How To Use Lemons In The Home

5 Simple Uses For Lemons In The Home

1. Use lemons to clean slimy yucky scum in your garbage disposal

Storebought garbage disposal freshener can only freshen but won’t lift the dirt – which causes the smell – under the black rubbery part of your disposal.

So here’s where your squeezed lemon comes in handy.

How to use lemons to clean your garbage disposal

  • Pick an already juiced lemon (optional: dip it in baking soda) and scrub under the rubbery part of your garbage disposal.
  • Then pick another one and repeat the same process.
  • when you are sure that it is thoroughly cleaned, put a few more squeezed lemons in the disposal and run hot water on them.
  • Next, switch on the garbage disposal to get rid of leftover dirt and freshen it with lemon zest.

2. Homemade kitchen lemon hand scrub

After cooking, washing, and cleaning your kitchen, you’d need a gentle hand scrub to soothe and moisturize those hands.

So instead of buying expensive hand scrubs, make one yourself in your kitchen with lemon and a few other ingredients.

I have one I use in the kitchen to get rid of food smells on my hands.

Here’s the recipe for homemade lemon sugar hand scrub you can make and use today.

How To Use Lemons In The Home

3. Use lemons to get rid of food smell in your microwave

The zest of lemons can help get rid of lingering food smells in your microwave.

How to deodorize your microwave with lemons

  • Just put a few squeezed lemons in a microwave-safe bowl, add 1 cup of water, a tablespoon of baking soda (optional), and place in the microwave and let it boil.
  • The steam from the mixture lifts off food stains and smell in the microwave.
  • Then wipe it out with a clean dishcloth or paper towel.
  • Make sure to clean the microwave immediately after bringing out the bowl of lemon baking soda mixture.
  • Because once it dries up, you’d have to start all over again.

You may also enjoy 7 Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Clean This Holiday Without Losing Your Mind.

4. Natural homemade air-freshener

Everybody’s house has a unique smell. But sometimes that smell goes from different to funky. And you only notice it when you walk in through the door.

And since this home smell is mostly from foods, then you can beat it with a homemade lemon air-freshener prepared with ingredients in your kitchen.

Here’s how to use lemons to freshen your home.

  • Add squeezed lemons, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and some water to a medium pot or saucepan.
  • Then boil on low heat until your home begins to smell fresher.
  • When you are sure the smell is gone, let the pot cool, then pour your homemade deodorizer into a mason jar and store it in the fridge.
  • You can reuse it the next time your house smells funky.
  • After using this twice, you can toss it; and make a fresh batch.

5. For an at-home foot soak

If you are looking for a nice zesty feet soak, especially for the cold Wintertime, I got you!

How to make a zesty lemon foot soak at home

  • Add some warm water to a foot spa with some Epsom salt.
  • then add some squeezed lemons and a few drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Next, add some shower gel or body wash to the water,
  • file the heels and soles of your feet if you like.
  • Then soak your feet and relax.

When you are done, use some foot cream to moisturize your feet, paying lots of attention to your heels.

And you are good to go.

How To Use Lemons In The Home

Wrapping it up! How To Use Lemons At Home

So that’s how you can use lemons to freshen your home, clean your kitchen, and also for a good feet soak.

I hope you now have a reason to keep squeezed lemons.

If you have other ideas on how to use lemons, please share them with us.

Thanks for reading!

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