5 Simple Hacks To Boost Working From Home Productivity
While some of us have been working from home since forever, this is completely new to others.
And even you are new to this or not, it is definitely different this time because of social distancing.
Before now, most of us would have the house to ourselves from say 8 am to 2 pm.
Or in my case, 7 am to 1.30 pm with my very energetic 3-year-old.
But due to the pandemic, my preschooler is now in the mix.
Some days are good, the kids are busy, and I get some work done.
While some are nightmarish.
You know the shouting while playing or fighting, crying, telling on each other, and whatnot. It is crazy!
But with little changes here and there, working from home kinda sorta works better now. Some days.
So here are my 5 Simple Hacks To Boost Working From Home Productivity.
Hacks To Boost Working From Home Productivity
1. Create A Nap Time Routine For The Kids
Firstly, naptime is great for both the kids and you if you must get some work done at home.
But be diligent about their naptime, so it doesn’t kick the nighttime routine off schedule.
When my kids take a nap, it is usually about 12noon till maybe 3 pm thereabout.
And I try to cover as much work as I can during that 3 or 4 hours quiet time.
But some days the kids won’t nap no matter what you do.
My solution to that is engaging them with learning activities either on their tablets or activity books.
When they are busy with ABC Mouse, I am busy with my own thing.
And some days are just plain chaos and that’s okay too.
That’s just life for us.
So the few times you are able to get some silence while you work at home, relish it.
2. Taking A Shower May Boost Working From Home Productivity
When working from home, some of us stay in our pajamas all day and forget to take a shower.
I am guilty of it too.
So the second hack to improve working from home productivity is to make time to shower and freshen up.
If you wake up very early to work, consider taking a shower then.
But if you are not an early riser, take a shower while the kids are having breakfast.
That is if they don’t need supervision while eating.
Better still, grab a shower while the kids are napping or just take a break from work to clear your head.
I do any of these as the spirit leads. LOL.
And remember to moisturize your skin and use some fragrance mist or whatever you prefer.
A clean, fresh, and relaxed body would be ready to face the day.
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3. Wear Something Cute To Work From Home
The third tip to boost working from home productivity is to dress up nicely.
Let’s be real here, most of us work in our sweat pants and other comfortable lounge clothes.
I do, too.
But sometimes you would look and feel very crappy in them.
There are times I look in the mirror and see how horrible I look.
So I took it upon myself to put in some effort to look good for my business.
Honestly, I don’t and can’t do it all the time.
But whenever I remember, I would wear something pretty, sit in the living room, and work on my blog.
So look in your closet, find those nice easy clothes you can wear anytime.
Make them your work from home clothes.
Add a piece of tiny or bold jewelry, with light makeup (lip balm and eyeliner).
Just pretty up and get productive.
4. Mute The TV & Blast Your Music
What am I saying?
Turn off the TV and blast your music.
Anything on the screen can be a distraction, that’s why my TV is off most times when I’m working from home.
What kind of music do you listen to when you are in a good mood?
Or what genre of music do you love to work with?
When you find it, play it and set the mood for productivity.
Music is an integral part of my work-flow.
Even when I was still working 9 to 5, I used to play music on my desktop.
It shuts out the noise and helps me concentrate on what’s important.
But if you prefer complete silence, that’s fine too.
Sometimes everybody needs some quiet.
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5. For A Quiet Working From Home Flow, Put Your Phone On Silent
Our phones are one of the major distractions of working from home.
Either it is a twitter notification or an Instagram feed update, or even worse, a WhatsApp group chat.
These apps can engage you in meaningless conversations that you lose track of time.
It has happened to the best of us.
One notification would lead to the opening of another and another until you find yourself reading controversial comments.
What I detest most is when I realize how much time I have wasted scrolling up and down on social media.
So to be more productive when working from home, make sure your phone is on silent.
But keep it closeby to answer important or urgent calls and texts.
You alone know the relevant calls you should take.
The rest can wait until you are done working.
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Simple Hacks To Boost Working From Home Productivity.
There you go!
Those are 5 simple hacks to make working from home flow easily and boost productivity.
I hope you find them useful.
Do you have any hacks to make working from home simpler?
Please share it with us.
Thanks for reading!
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