A Review of 2019, My Wins & More – Plans For 2020

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Honestly, I have no idea how to begin this post, so please bear with me.

What I want to do is share a review of 2019, my wins and more with you guys – my readers.

And hoping that this helps me appreciate my journey through life, blogging and everything else.

In the end, I will also share my plans for 2020.

Let’s get started!

A Review of 2019, My Wins & More - Plans For 2020

A Recap Of My Personal Life In 2019

Firstly, I want to recap on my personal life in the year 2019.


My family relocated from the city of Dunbar, WV to Saint Albans, WV.

This was huge for me because it was a much-needed move.

A better apartment with a central air system, dishwasher, and a better bedroom for my kids.

Travels in 2019

My family and I visited Washington and Maryland in October 2019.

I will always remember that trip because I had stayed in West Virginia for over a year without any traveling whatsoever.

It almost drove me crazy especially since I work from home.

So when my husband planned the trip, I agreed without hesitation.

It was a long interesting drive except for my little guy getting car-sick and all that.

But we had so much fun in both Maryland and Washington.

Got out of my comfort zone

Sometime in the year 2019, I forced myself to speak and write in my own voice.

I think about stuff but struggle to put it into writing but I am getting there.

And in my effort to let out my voice, I found voice chakra yoga and will be doing lots of it.

Declutter in 2019

Last year I decluttered the kids’, hubby’s, and my wardrobe. I sold some and donated the rest. Now we have space for new stuff.

New friends made in 2019

In the year 2019, we made very good friends with a few families at church. And they are one of the best people my family ever met.

What’s life without good friends?

My answer – NOTHING! Absolutely nothing!

A Review Of My Blog Wins In 2019

Secondly, let’s look at my blog wins as of December 2019.

Pageviews: 7500

Email subscribers: 40

Readers: 2.71k

Pinterest monthly viewers: 130k

Adsense: $47

Blog Name: Yep, I changed my blog name from Let’s Live Mini to Budget & Mom Jeans. And I won’t change it anymore because I love this name a lot.

Blogger friends made: I can’t remember how many blogger friends I made in 2019 but I will name a few.

These women made a huge impact on my blog journey and personal life in the year 2019.

Guest contributors: Lest I forget, I had two guest contributors last year. Elizabeth Johnson wrote about Top 5 Tips To Bond & Connect With A Stepchild, while Linda Richardson wrote 5 Easy-Peasy Tricks To Actually Save money.

A Review of 2019, My Wins & More - Plans For 2020

My Plans For 2020

Now that I have recapped my 2019, let’s take a look at a few plans I have for 2020.

More helpful posts

Hopefully this year I plan to write and publish more helpful posts.

Let me know in the comments the kind of posts you want to see more on this blog this year.

My voice

I plan and hope that I can speak and write more in my own voice.

I guess this will help you guys know me better and also help me be myself more.

Grow my blog pageviews

My plan is to get my blog to 10k monthly pageviews before the end of January 2020.

Let’s make it happen, guys.

Make more money from Google Ads

For the year 2020, I plan to make at least $100 monthly from Google AdSense ads.

Get more Guest Contributors

I am hoping I can get at least one contributor every month for the year 2020.

If you are interested, see the Write For Us page to know the requirements to be a contributor to this blog.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

In the year 2020, I plan to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

I am currently on a 30-day yoga journey titled Home.

Oh boy! I am loving it!

Also, I recently installed a water drinking app that reminds me to rehydrate every 1hour.

This has been great because I usually forget to drink water and it causes lots of stress and headaches for me.

So bye-bye to headaches hopefully.

Plus I have reduced my food portions plus sugar consumption because my weight is getting out of hand.

Make More Blogger Friends

As for blogger friends, I am always happy to meet new people with different perspectives.

So let’s see how that goes.

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A Review of 2019, My Wins & More - Plans For 2020


So this is a brief review and recap of my 2019 and plans for 2020.

I just want to thank all my readers, contributors, friends, and even those that just take a peek and click off.

You guys are the real MVP.

Without you guys, this blog would not be in existence anymore.

Cheers to you all!

And cheers to an amazing 2020!

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