I Switched To Nexplanon Birth Control Implant – My Review
Sometime this year, I switched to the Nexplanon birth control implant.
Because the former birth control I had was running out and causing me some issues.
So I made an appointment to see my gynecologist. And she recommended that I get the implant replaced.
And because my health insurance does not cover birth control, I was referred to a non-profit family planning clinic.

I called and made an appointment to replace my birth control implant.
The implant I had before was Jadelle.
That’s very common in Africa.
And it lasts five years. That’s two years longer than Nexplanon.
Anyway, I had to get Nexplanon as a replacement.
So in this post. I’ll share my experience with the Nexplanon birth control implant so far.
And also shed some light on how my body reacts to both of them differently.
Let’s dive in.
My Nexplanon Birth Control Implant Review
As I said, I was on Jadelle for almost five years.
Please read this post about my experience with Jadelle Implant Birth Control.
How I got the birth control implant

Depending on where you live in the US, you may be able to get the Nexplanon implant for free.
I got mine from a family planning clinic in my area.
On the day of my first appointment, the doctor removed the Jadelle implant.
Then she cleaned and covered the spot with a bandage to keep it dry and from infection.
So I was without birth control for a few days.
Then I made an appointment to get Nexplanon.
On my appointment day, the doctor asked if I wanted the Nexplanon on the same arm – my left arm. I replied yes.
I guess I just wanted it on the left.
Please leave my right arm alone. Lol.
She injected some local anesthesia on the spot, cleaned it, then made the incision.
Then she injected the implant with an insertion tool.
She put a band-aid and bandage on the spot, and she was done.
What the Nexplanon birth control implant looks like

Nexplanon is a single rod implant. It is pretty short, like a match stick.
And it is usually inserted with a device within seconds.
Side effects of Nexplanon I’m experiencing.
Nexplanon birth control implant has many side effects, from spotting to bloating, weight gain, and so on.
Please read about the risks and side effects of Nexplanon on their website.
I’m only experiencing these few:
1. Spotting

My period has been light and pain-free since after my first baby delivery.
But with the birth control implant, I spot once in a while.
Now on Nexplanon, I spot more than I did on Jadelle.
With Jadelle, I don’t remember wearing sanitary pads and pantyliners as much as I’ve done with Nexplanon.
If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you’d know I’m not a fan of wearing underwear when it’s unnecessary.
Please read this post about the benefits of going without underwear.
So imagine wearing panty days unending.
Once my period started, it would go on and on.
Do you know the after-period spotting?
Mine would keep going for days after my period had ended.
Then my period would disappear for a whole month or so.
So it’s just on and off.
It’s friggin uncomfortable.
2. Weight gain while on the Nexplanon birth control implant

I’ve been very active – lifting weights – for the past six months.
So I have lost body fat, gained muscle mass, and all that.
And my weight has fluctuated on and off.
Also, I stopped checking my weight as often as I used to.
I only weigh myself by the end of the month or during a doctor’s visit.
Asides from that, I hardly check my weight on the scale, even if I have one in my bathroom.
So I can’t say that my weight fluctuation was from Nexplanon.
It could be. But I’m not focusing on it.
The last time I stepped on the scale, I had lost another pound from my last check.
So you see what I mean?
3. Bloating

On my period days, I get bloated.
And sometimes, on regular days, I might wake up bloated or with a very flat belly.
Maybe that’s my hormones playing games with me.
But yes, I get bloated.
So these are some Nexplanon side effects I can pinpoint that I’ve experienced so far.

Other side effects
In my post about the Jadelle birth control implant, I mentioned some weird side effects I had.
Though not life-threatening, they were uncomfortable.
And I’m not experiencing them with Nexplanon.
Here there are:
Itching on the spot
The spot where the Jadelle implant was inserted used to itch a lot.
But with the Nexplanon, I don’t feel any itch on the area.
Dull pain
Sometimes, my arm would hurt a lot.
Some dull pain.
You feel it but don’t understand what to do about it.
Maybe painkillers would have helped.
But I’m not a fan of medicine, so I let the pain go away on its own.
Now with Nexplanon, I don’t feel any pain.
Dark V-mark on my arm
Also, with the Jadelle birth control, I had this dark V-mark on the spot the implant was inserted.
However, with Nexplanon, there’s no dark mark.
Just a tiny spot where the doctor made the incision.
And the doctor assured me that the V-mark would fade with time, which is already happening.
So that’s that.

Conclusion on my review of the Nexplanon birth control implant
Boom! My review of the Nexplanon birth control implant after only a few months.
You may experience it differently as every woman’s body is different.
But if I experience other side effects or changes in my current feelings, I’ll update this post accordingly.
Thanks for reading.
Now back to you.
Are you on the Nexplanon birth control implant?
Please share your experience with us in the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Please share this post. It would mean the world to me.