Dry Skin: My Skincare Routine Using Only Elf Skincare Products

I recently added five Elf products to my skincare routine to hydrate my dry skin this fall and winter.
And it’s been a game changer for my skin.
My skin is clearer and more hydrated than before.
When my last moisturizer ran out, I thought I’d try a product more hydrating since I have dry skin.
So I went searching for hydrating face moisturizers, and Elf skincare products showed up in the search results.
And as usual, I read the reviews (like, who doesn’t do that on Amazon?).
After several mixed reviews, I bought a couple of Elf skincare products.
And later, I added a couple more to complete the routine.
This post will show you the Elf products I bought.
And how I use them in my day-to-night skincare routine.
Let’s dive in.
DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost. I only recommend products that I trust.
Elf skincare routine steps
Before I show you the products, I thought I’d show you my Elf skin care routine order for morning and night.
So here it is:
- First, use the cleanser, then rinse and pat your face with a clean towel.
- Next, apply vitamin C serum and let it dry.
- Then use sunscreen, and allow it to dry up.
- Lastly, apply moisturizer, primer, and makeup, etc.
Remember, double cleaning is always encouraged.
- So cleanse your skin again at night.
- Next, exfoliate your face with the Elf peeling exfoliant(but use the exfoliant twice weekly).
- Then, use your Elf hyaluronic acid serum, allow it to dry, and follow with the face cream.
- These are the exact steps I follow every night.
- And my skin always looks perfect in the morning.
5 Elf skincare products I added to my dry skin routine
So, all the Elf products I added to my skincare routine are from the Holy Hydration line.
Elf has other skincare lines you can check out.
But the Holy Hydration line is for dry skin.
Since more hydration is what I wanted for my skin.
That said, here are the five Elf skincare products I added to my dry skin routine:
1. Holy hydration daily cleanser

So, normally, I start with the cleanser.
I’ll wash my face with a small amount of the Elf daily cleanser(affiliate link).
One of the reviews that prompted me to buy this cleanser was that it makes your face very clean.
And that’s exactly what it does.
It cleans my face way better than my face wash.
Giving me a clean canvas to apply other skincare products for maximum benefits.
2. Elf vitamin C serum

Next, I’ll use five drops of the Elf vitamin C(affiliate link) on my clean face.
If I’m going out, I’ll use sunscreen after the vitamin C.
Mind you, my sunscreen isn’t Elf brand.
I bought Eucerin sunscreen last summer, so that’s what I use.
But once it runs out, I’m getting Elf sunscreen.
To complete my Elf skincare craze.
Anyway, I read that using vitamin C before sunscreen adds extra protection to your skin.
That’s why I use it in that order.
And I only use the vitamin C serum in the morning.
Well, that was before I got the hyaluronic serum.
Anyway, moving on.
Not a fan of Elf, check out My Morning Face Care Routine for Dry Skin – with Drugstore Products
3. Elf Holy Hydration face moisturizer

When the vitamin C and sunscreen are dry, I follow with the Elf holy hydration moisturizer(affiliate link).
It is smooth and lightweight.
And I have no problem wearing makeup on it.
But if I’m going to wear makeup, I use a primer first.
Which helps my foundation sit and look better on my face without the cakey look.
But when I’m home all day, I only use vitamin C, and face moisturizer without sunscreen or primer.
4. Elf triple bounce hyaluronic acid serum

For my nighttime skincare routine, I use the Elf hyaluronic acid serum(affiliate link) instead of vitamin C.
I read an article where the dermatologist said to use vitamin C during the day and hyaluronic acid at night.
And since I added the elf serum to my skincare routine, I’ve noticed more improvement in my skin’s texture and look.
So at night, I use the cleanser first, then the hyaluronic, and the moisturizer last.
5. Elf gentle peeling exfoliant

Now, with this Elf gentle peeling exfoliant(affiliate link), I only use it two to three times a week.
Or when I remember.
But it has helped clear my skin by peeling off dead skin.
I apply it to dry skin and rub it around.
The product will form little particles that help remove dead skin from your face.
Make sure there is no makeup on your face when using this exfoliant.
Because if you have foundation on your face, the product will stick to it and form this thick goo that won’t fall off.
And you can only remove it by rinsing your face.
So when I have makeup on, I use the cleanser first, pat dry my face, then follow with the peel exfoliant.
After all the dead skin has fallen off, I’ll rinse my face with lukewarm water.
Then, use the nighttime serum and moisturizer.
My face usually looks smooth and fresh the next morning.
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5 other Elf skincare products I’d love to add to my skincare routine
I currently use only five Elf products in my dry skin care routine.
But I’m hoping to add a couple more to complete the line.
I love it when all my products are from the same brand.
Sometimes, it doesn’t always work.
But most products from the same brand tend to work together to improve your skin.
So here are other Elf products I’d love to add to my skincare routine.
6. Elf sunscreen
I’m currently using Eucerin sunscreen.
And the container is quite big.
So it means I’ll have it for a long time.
But once it runs out, I’ll buy Elf sunscreen(affiliate link).
Or I might not, as it has SPF 30 while the Eucerin is 50.
We’ll see.
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7. Elf face cream
Another product I’d like to try from the Elf Holy Hydration line is the face cream(affiliate link).
Creams are usually thicker.
I’d like to compare it to the Elf moisturizer I have now.
If it’s more hydrating, I’ll stick to it.
I bought it, and it’s an excellent product.
8. Elf night cream
The night cream(affiliate link) is another product I’m considering getting.
Having a night cream to work with the hyaluronic serum in my nighttime skincare routine would be nice.
9. Elf sleep mask
The Elf sleep mask(affiliate link) would be a great addition to my nighttime skincare routine, as I love sleep masks.
The one I’m currently using is almost out.
And I’m not planning on buying a new one.
So, I’d replace it with the elf sleep mask.
10. Elf makeup primer
Lastly, I’d love to try the Elf makeup primer(affiliate link).
I saw a YouTube video where a makeup artist tried it and said it’s an excellent product.
I’m currently using this Rimmel primer(affiliate link).
It keeps my skin matte and helps makeup sit well.
But I’d like a more hydrating primer that adds some moisture but also keeps makeup looking good.
And I hope I’ll get that from Elf.
So that’s my skincare routine for dry skin, using only Elf products.
What Elf skincare products do you use?
Please share them in the comments
Also, tell us your routine or how you layer these products on your skin.
Thanks for reading.
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See you in the next post!
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